Judge's Criteria

Judges Criteria for Striker Series Tournament

The Striker Series places a strong emphasis on acknowledging participants for their comprehensive exhibition and skill showcase, without relying on points or causing harm to opponents. The primary objective of these tournaments is to foster character development in young individuals, with minimal focus on the competitive aspect. The competition serves as a dedicated platform to encourage young people to fully express themselves, showcasing their abilities while representing their martial arts style and school.

Judges will evaluate participants on three core pillars:


1. Character Display:

*Respect:* Demonstrating respect towards opponents, officials, and the martial art itself, such as bowing before and after a match.

*Self-discipline:* Showing control over emotions and actions, maintaining composure even in intense situations, and following the rules without hesitation.

*Courage:* Displaying bravery and determination, whether it’s facing a formidable opponent or persevering through challenges during the match.

*Humility:* Being modest in victory and gracious in defeat, acknowledging strengths and weaknesses without arrogance or undue pride.

*Integrity:* Acting with honesty and fairness, adhering to the principles of the martial art, and accepting decisions made by judges with grace.

*Sportsmanship:* Treating opponents with fairness and respect, refraining from unsportsmanlike conduct such as taunting or gloating, and congratulating opponents regardless of the outcome.

*Focus:* Maintaining concentration throughout the match, staying attentive to the opponent’s movements, and executing techniques with precision and clarity.

*Perseverance:* Exhibiting determination and resilience, refusing to give up even when facing adversity or setbacks during the match.

*Empathy:* Understanding and respecting the physical and emotional well-being of opponents, showing concern for their safety and welfare during the match.

*Adaptability:* Being able to adjust strategies and tactics based on the opponent’s movements and actions, demonstrating flexibility and resourcefulness in the face of changing circumstances.

2. Style and Techniques:

*Expressive Execution:* How well the participant incorporates a distinctive personal style and creativity into techniques.

*Clean, Controlled Technique:* Precision, control, and the presentation of strikes or defenses with finesse.

*Precision and Accuracy:* Evaluating the quality of technique execution from an aesthetic standpoint.

*Balance Element:* Assessing the integration of stability and balance as crucial components. 

*Rhythmic Flow (Pacing):* Considering the pacing and rhythmic flow of techniques.

*Counter Attacks:* Observing the creative aspect of countering opponents’ moves.

*Strategic Approach:* How the participant demonstrates adaptability, creativity, and strategic thinking in their performance.


3. Performance Awareness:

*Emotional Composure:* Evaluating how emotional composure contributes to the overall presentation.

*Quality of Engagement and Focus:* Assessing engagement with opponents and the match. 

*Responsiveness to Referee:* Recognizing how participants respond effectively to the referee’s instructions.

*Fair Play and Sportsmanship:* Assessing the expression of respect and fairness towards opponents.

*Management and Control:*

*Ring/Mat Area Usage:* Effectively controlling and utilizing the space for impact.

*Range Management:* Managing the distance between opponents strategically.

*Participant’s Stamina and Strength:* Expressing stamina and strength as integral elements.